The Fundamental Principles of Life

Before I was introduced to the principles that lie behind the human experience, my work with individual clients and groups was inspiring and frustrating in equal measure. 

The inspiring part was seeing people change, find resources they didn't know they had and outgrow the earlier versions of themselves that no longer served them. The frustrating part was that I didn't really understand what made those changes happen when they happened, or what prevented them from happening when they didn't happen.

Sometimes it looked like a certain technique, process or conversation we had engaged in had produced the desired breakthrough. Yet just as often, that very same procedure would do absolutely nothing for somebody else, or even for the same person on a different occasion. It appeared to be somewhat random, although I had the niggling feeling that it wasn't really random at all - perhaps there was an invisible element at work that I hadn't yet factored into the equation?

It turns out that my hunch was correct - there is indeed a behind-the-scenes variable at work that can be brought into awareness with life-changing consequences. It is known as the Three Principles of Mind, Thought and Consciousness, and it is the simplest and most universally-helpful understanding of how human beings operate that I have ever come across. 

Principles, being fundamental constants, serve to explain and illuminate things that would otherwise appear to be random occurrences. They clear up confusion and conflicting ideas, providing a framework within which all kinds of phenomena suddenly start to make sense. 

Why is it, for example, that change can seem to be slow and difficult for one person, but quick and effortless for someone else? Why do certain people and situations seem to have the ability to 'push your buttons', when other people and situations have no such magical powers? How is it that we can 'get over' some traumas very quickly and yet 'stay stuck' in others for years? And how can we be upset or afraid in one moment, and perfectly fine in the next moment, without anything outside of us having changed? 

All of these questions, and many more besides, are answered by an understanding of the Three Principles. Not an intellectual understanding, but an embodied knowing that arises through your own insight and realization. 

We're about to commence an in-depth exploration of these principles at Regent's University in London, and there's still time to join us on the shorter Truth of the Moment Training or the longer Facilitator Training programme. If you're a change-worker of some kind, or if you're looking for a fundamental change in your own life - this training could be for you.


Adjusting Your Sail


Knowing Where to Look